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Blog of Sundays

How to Instantly Brighten your Home with Sunrise Decals - Made of Sundays
January 27, 2022

How to Instantly Brighten your Home with Sunrise Decals

Since first launching in June, the Big Rising Sun quickly become one of our most popular decals, and sparked the creation of a whole family of sunny stickers. Big, small, pink, yellow, personalised or not - we’ve got it all (or at least quite a few). It’s one of my favourites, and why wouldn’t it be? It’s so hard to look at a sunrise and not catch yourself smiling. In this blog post find out how to position the Rising Sun decal, and which one works best for your space. 
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  • January 20, 2016

    Time to present ourselves: Gemma

    Hi good people! I’m Gemma and my life have always been pretty random; I wanted to make career in forensics and graduated as a Criminologist in 2011. Somehow I ended up working as a pastry chef and few months ago...

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  • December 4, 2015

    Time to present ourselves: Alba

    Oh hello marshmallows! I’m Alba and it’s great to meet you! Thomas already talked about how we ended up together in Finland, so I will spare you that part. I moved from Barcelona to Helsinki in January 2008 and got...

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  • October 24, 2015

    Time to present ourselves: Thomas

    Fiiiiinally, introduction time (it has taken us too long, really)!  I'm the Finnish part of our small family, and basically the reason why we ended up here in the first place (yeah, it's cold and dark and everything but also...

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  • October 21, 2015

    Find Made of Sundays also on Etsy

    Remember that you can also find us in Etsy. For some of our International customers over at US and Australia it might work better as you can shop our wall decals in your own currency! Our shop there is also translated to both...

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  • October 20, 2015

    Made of Sundays on SnapChat

    Hey loves! Join un on a behind-the-scenes look over at Snapchat. Jsut add us by scanning the snap code over here or username madesundays as we would love to see your cute faces over there! <3  

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  • October 19, 2015

    How to install a wall decal

    Feeling confused over how wall decals work? No worries, we made this small video tutorial on how to install a wall decal a while ago.  It really isn't very difficult. :) And we love answering all kinds of questions either here...

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