DHL still delivers to your door during the COVID-19 crisis
Hi Loves! The world is in turmoil and everything seems to be a bit upside down at the moment. We are closely monitoring the situation, but continue working as usual.
Our tiny company is momentarily even smaller, as only one of us can be in the studio at the moment while the other stays home taking care of our child who is out from daycare. Luckily we don't have that much social distancing to do as we just bike in between home and studio where we work by ourselves.
We have removed pickup at the studio for the moment - but all home deliveries continue as usual worldwide. Luckily DHL still delivers to your home address, and they do so now with minimal personal contact. We will inform you immediately if anything changes in this regard.
Times are difficult for all small businesses all over the world, so our gratitude towards you is boundless and eternal ❤️
Stay safe, and help all who help needs!
Alba & Thomas